Committed To Quality, Committed To You
Galaxy Sivtek Bag Dump Stations reduce product loss by effectively dumping small volume bags.It Ensure worker safety, improve productivity, and reduce housekeeping. With our bag dump stations, you can empty smaller bags efficiently, safely, and dust-free. This is not only cost-effective, but it is also beneficial to the environment and to operators’ health. It reduces material waste and does not require remote dust collection sites to be cleaned, which prevents contamination of the plant and protects workers.
The principle of bag dumping stations consists of collecting dust from materials by applying negative pressure. In the production environment, bag dump stations are used in a variety of situations. In the food and pharmaceutical industries, bag dump stations are constructed from stainless steel.
With Galaxy Sivtek's bag dump station, you can empty smaller bags in a safe, efficient, dust-free way.
The Galaxy Sivtek bag dump station is made of high-quality stainless steel and has a robust design.
The Bag Dump Station has dust collection units that keep the plant clean.
In the sieving process, Galaxy Sivtek Bag Dumping Station required fewer people.