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Sivtek Tumbler Screen®

Due to their unique construction and ability to process fine mesh, tumbler screening machines are among the best separators in the industry. With a Tumbler Screening Machine, you can screen down to fine particles with low bulk density, increasing your capacity and efficiency.

Sivtek’s Tumbler Screening Machine is highly functional due to its acute design. The machine generates a 3-dimensional elliptical motion, allowing for radial and tangential inclination to be set. When screening materials are inclined tangentially, they travel in a circular motion rather than from the center to the edge.

This intuitive motion ensures that fine particles pass through the middle of the screens, while coarse particles are forced to the outer perimeter, where they are discharged.

We offer a Tumbler Screening Machine that features a simple but convenient design, boosting efficiency and providing economical results. Its compact design means the machine occupies less space and requires less maintenance. To facilitate cleaning, the gyro sieves on the machine can be easily disassembled.

Furthermore, this Tumbler Screening Machine is designed to provide optimal performance regardless of the material characteristics. The machine is ideal for screening products with high bulk density in the food, beverage, mineral, and metallurgy industries. Products like talc powder and granules with low bulk density can also be graded efficiently with this system.

The safety and quality of highly sensitive products for the food, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries are of utmost importance to us. For efficiency, our tumbler screeners adhere to GMP and FDA guidelines.

For our products, we offer a wide range of sizes and diameters. We can also provide these products in stainless steel grades 304, 316, and 316L as part of our customization services.

Tumbler Screening Machine




Tumbler Screening Machine


Our Tumbler Sivtek continuously feeds screening material into the middle of the top screen, where it spreads evenly across the entire surface. The material passes through a circular motion, allowing finer particles to pass through the center and coarse particles to exit. By using lateral outlets, each fraction is discharged.



01. Closed System

During operation, the SIVTEK Tumbler Screen firmly contains the screening material. Consequently, it increases safety when working with hazardous substances.

02. Gradation up to 6 sizes

The tumbler screening machine can grade particles up to 6 sizes with a 5 deck screen.

03. Noise Control

SIVTEK's Tumbler Screen maintains a noise level of 75DB, which is lower than any conventional vibro sifter.



01. Highly Efficient & Accurate

The elliptical movement of the machine creates a three-dimensional tumbling motion that increases efficiency by 99%.

02. Long-Lasting

Compared with other vibrating separators, SIVTEK Tumbler Screens operate at 3-4 times lower acceleration.

03. Less Manpower Required

Due to Tumbler Screen's streamlined screening process, less manpower is required.


Asked Questions

Sivtek Tumbler screen® is a processing machine for products having low bulk density & where very fine particles to be separated from the larger ones. It can deliver optimal results for high BD products as well. The Sivtek Tumbler Screen® generates three-dimensional tumbling motion (elliptical movement) that enables screening of fine & ultra-fine particles with ease.
It is an ideal machine for materials which have a tendency of breakage due to the vibrations, the Tumbler screen maintains the structural integrity of the products by keeping it in constant contact with the mesh screen and avoids material loss.
For Sivtek Tumbler Screen® we have different customization available depending upon the requirements of the customers. Customization such as the ultrasonic deblending kit, pneumatic deck lifting mechanism, CIP (Clean In Place) etc. these customization are done depending upon various factors like the material moisture content, input and output capacity, bulk density, etc.
Depending upon the application and the feeding angle the Galaxy Sivtek has ingenuously designed a transfer chute which is attached to the end of the deck which directs the flow of the material to the centre of the mesh.
Our Sivtek Tumbler Screen® produce noise levels below 80DB, which are compliant to the industry standards and various other accessories are available to curb the noise levels such as the anti-vibration pads, etc.
The Sivtek Tumbler Screen®can achieve accuracy of 90 – 99% depending upon the application, these machines are highly efficient for dry applications, along with that the material breakage can also be reduced, leading to less material loss.



Tumbler Screen

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