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The Filter Control System offered by Galaxy Sivtek adds a whole new level of precision and accuracy while making the whole process more cost-effective.

The filter control system allows you to control the speed and throughput of the cylinder stroke, allowing you to monitor how the filtration process is carried out. Thus, the control system also minimizes product wastage.

By using an actuator timer, you can control the process until the entire screening material has been processed. Filter Control System works continuously 24×7 and gives you the most optimal results.

Filter Management System


You will also be able to see the filtration process on an LCD display, and if anything goes wrong, you will be able to correct it.

The machine can run automatically, so you do not need to hire many employees. It’ll save you money and reduce your expenses.



clean in place system


Filter Control System is part of our Self Cleaning Filters, but it can be used with any of our filtration machines. Through this control system, you can control how fast and how much throughput your cylinder produces. With the LCD screen, you can watch and monitor the whole process.



01. LCD Display

The LCD Display allows you to view and monitor the entire filtration process, thus allowing you to have greater control over the process.

02. Adjustable Timer

You can set the timer to work continuously with a Filter Control System. All you have to do is set the timer and be free.

03. Stroke Speed Adjustment

The Filter Control System allows you to adjust the speed of the cylinder stroke as well as the throughput rate.

04. Automatic Functioning

The Filter Control System is fully automatic and requires minimal human intervention.



  • The filter control system ensures the least amount of material loss by controlling the speed and throughput of the cylinder stroke.
  • By setting the timer, the Filter Control System can process material continuously 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • By reducing material waste and maintaining a constant filter pressure, the Filter Control System also contributes to extending product life.
  • All the functions of the control system make discharging fully automated, so no one is required to supervise it. It is perfectly possible for them to work independently.
Filter Control System

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