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Iron ore

Sieving Iron ore

It is estimated that approximately 5% of the earth’s crust is composed of iron, which is the most abundant metal on earth. Many everyday products are made from this metal, such as pins and airplanes. The Earth’s core contains a significant amount of iron elements. Hematite and magnetite are the most common forms of iron ore. These minerals are extracted from the crust and crushed. After the ore has been washed and ground, it shrinks as a result of adding water. The result of this process is the production of fine powders. Galaxy Sivtek’s team is able to assist you with the screening and inspection of the powder prior to packing. An array of industries utilize iron powder.

In order to make products from iron powder, durability is required. This can only be achieved if iron particles are of equal size. You can achieve high quality with Sivtek Products by sizing iron powder accurately and reliably.

twin centrifugal sifter

Centrifugal sifter


Sifters & Filters

Sieving Machine

01. Super Sivtek®

In comparison with conventional sieving machines, the heavy-duty vibratory screen produces three times more vibration and achieves three times higher throughputs in ultra-fine mesh.

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Vibrating Screen

02. Linea Sivtek®

Linea SIVTEK is a revolutionary horizontal vibratory screen that is characterized by a unique four-deck deck design that increases productivity as well as the efficiency of screening.

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Tumbler Screen

03. Sivtek Tumbler screen®

The provision of real-time solutions for products with low bulk density requires a robust design. Through the use of 3D tumbling motion, particles can be efficiently screened.

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Gyro sifter

04. Sivtek Super Gyro Separator®

One of the most used screening machines. It generates vibrational force 2X greater than conventional sieving machines by using electronic screening technology.

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Inline sifter

05. Inline Sivtek Dual Motor®

Featuring a low headroom design, this compact sieving solution is suitable for safety sieving and screening applications requiring fine meshes.

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rotary sifter

06. Sivtek Roto Sifter®

One of Galaxy Sivtek's most innovative screening apparatuses is its centrifugal sifter. Sifters like this are ideal for applications where bulk density is low.

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