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Sieving solution for Pharma Industry

The capability of a screening machine is tested when it comes to the processing of extremely fine mesh particles. The process of evenly screening the entire load becomes extremely challenging when they become clogged up around the screens and form numerous lumps. Pharmaceuticals are perhaps the most aware of these difficulties than any other industry.

There is a great deal of difficulty in screening raw materials used by pharmaceutical companies due to their small particle size and abrasive properties. Moreover, they work with both solids and viscous liquids, including a variety of substances.

Pharmaceutical companies can take advantage of Galaxy Sivtek’s vibrating sifters and pneumatic filters to provide convenient screening solutions. We specialize in designing machines that can clarify, grade, dedust, sort, dump, and filter a wide range of screening materials in order to achieve the best results.

Further, the environment in which screening materials belonging to the pharmaceutical industry are processed must be highly hygienic and clean in order to guarantee safety and hygienic conditions. Each vibrating sifter and pneumatic filter that we offer is designed to prevent contamination and ensure dust-free operation. They feature an enclosed structure that prevents leaks and prevents outside influences from interfering with the screening process.

Additionally, we can provide you with a range of highly-capable Self-Cleaning Filters that can greatly enhance the productivity of your operation. The device is capable of removing suspended and unwanted particles from the substance by means of its automatic filters. Further, it is capable of operating continuously 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without the need for manual intervention.

Pharmaceutical companies benefit from Galaxy Sivtek’s screening and filtration machines because they possess such attributes and properties.

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