Committed To Quality, Committed To You

360° Solid-Liquid Separator®

The SIVTEK 360° Solid-Liquid Separator is one of the most highly efficient and high capacity inline liquid filters available today. With its abundance of screening capacity, a high-quality product is produced.

SIVTEK 360° Discharge Separator provide optimal filtration results for all liquids. Strainers of this type are designed to remove both watery and highly viscous materials. The devices are equipped with automatic filters that eliminate and suspend unwanted particles.

Using the best industrial liquid filters, SIVTEK 360° Solid-Liquid Separator is designed to discharge oversized particles by rotating the screen material 360° around its perimeter. Oversized particles of the screening material do not deposit on the perimeter of the screen, thereby improving the discharge capacity of the machine.

Solid - liquid separator




solid liquid separator


A SIVTEK 360° Discharge Separator is one of the best industrial liquid filters available. Oversized particles are seamlessly discharged by rotating the screening material at a 360° angle. Due to this inclined screening motion, oversized particles do not accumulate on the screen periphery, increasing the discharge capacity and allowing full use of the screen.



01. Longer Mesh Life

It has a high discharging capacity without clogging, so your mesh will last longer.

02. Highly Efficient Screening Experience

This machine utilizes the maximum amount of screen area by evenly discharging particles.

03. Three de-blinding add-ons

Three de-blinding add-ons are included with the SIVTEK 360° Discharge Separator.



01. Optimum Filtration

In addition to providing the highest level of screening, the cleaning disk ensures that the filters remain clean.

02. 24X7 Continuous Processing

A unique feature of our product is its ability to continuously process substances without interruption.

03. Reduces Maintenance Cost

With SIVTEK 360°'s seamless performance, you will be able to reduce your maintenance costs. In addition, it provides more output in a short period of time, making it very cost-effective.


Asked Questions

It is suitable for most of the process industries food processing, pharmaceutical, chemical, paint, ETP industries, etc, also used for liquid solid separation for variety of viscosity.
SIVTEK 360 Discharge Separator® is uniquely designed in a way that it can discharge oversized particles by rotating the screening material 360 degrees around the periphery of the screen. As the oversized particles of the screening material do not deposit on the periphery of the screen, it considerably enhances the discharge capacity of the machine.
At Galaxy Sivtek we provide motors as per customers’ requirements like IP55, IP66 which means they are dust proof and waterproof and if customer want flameproof motors, so we provide Atex certified flameproof motor also.
At Galaxy Sivtek we offer various customization to improve the quality of the product, increase throughput, deblinding arrangements, like the mesh deblinding kit, CIP system, etc. There are also material handling options available like that screw conveyor, bucket elevator, powder transfer system, etc.
All the machines from Galaxy Sivtek are FDA and cGMP certified for the food processing and pharmaceutical processing, all the deblinding arrangement and the mesh are food and pharma safety compliant. For the deblinding arrangement also, we provide the ultrasonic Sivtek for fine particles.
Yes, the 360° Discharge Separator® can be used for both wet and dry applications, the machine works seamlessly even under high pressure and workload. It consumes lesser energy in comparison to conventional machines and can perform continuously to discharge oversized particles. This, in turn, proves to be very cost-efficient.



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